(Every other week)
Comedy about relationships. Jens and his wife, Tessan, split up after she believes Jens has been having an affair with friend Johanna, and he discovers that Tessan was unfaithful to him four years previously. He goes to stay with his brother, Pontus, who is also divorced an has partial custody of his daughter, although Pontus is somewhat preoccupied as he and his ex-wife also wish to have another child together.
Directed by: Hannes Holm, Måns Herngren, Felix Herngren & Hans Ingemarsson
Cinematography: Göran Hallberg
Production Design: Wilda Wiholm
Film Editor: Fredrik Morheden
Producer: Patrick Ryborn / Fladenfilm
Cast: Felix Herngren, Måns Herngren, Cecilia Frode, Anja Lundqvist, Anna Björk, Sofia Ledarp.
Shot on 16 mm, 1:1,85